- Pro tutors have a price they need for the time spent helping and openly share that either via chat or a direct bid. They don’t negotiate and ask students for their budget to push earnings to the limit. Instead, they focus on the requirements.
- Pro tutors share their strengths in a sentence or two in relation to the question the student needs help with. They don’t use high pressure tactic to get the job like “I can help,” “Approve my bid now,” etc.
- Pro tutors use straightforward language to communicate. They don’t use words like “dear,” “sir,” and “humbly.” They don’t enter the chat just saying “hi.” They have value to share and they lead by sharing about that expertise.
- Pro tutors accept responsibility for the outcome of their work and recognize that customer satisfaction is the most important thing. They don’t makes excuses if something goes wrong.
- Pro tutors chat as if the student was actually in the room next to them. That means they don’t repeatedly the student with spammy content nor do they ignore customer messages.