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All the tutors I’ve dealt with on StudyGate were extremely helpful and professional. I don’t write reviews often, but you should definitely give it a try!
Maura helped me in all 3 subjects and did a fantastic job. She gave me more help in a few minutes than the other tutors I have tried taught me in 2 hours! - Jessica at KU
Thomas was constantly bending over backwards to accommodate my changing schedule. The response times were always “blazingly fast” like the site says, but more importantly he knows the subject extremely well. - Samuel at OSU
I met with Matthew probably 20 times to get ready for my finals. I recovered from surgery for the first 6 weeks of class and needed to catch up quickly. Matthew was flexible with scheduling and knew the subject very well. - Morgan at ASU
The first meeting with Ruth went great. She was VERY of understanding of my not having a solid foundation in math and we dove into the basics together. - Angel at UF
If you are anything like me it is fastest to just guess the answer and see what comes up wrong and then have someone explain it so you understand. Neha does all that and more. - Mia at Vanderbilt
Le Z is super patient to make sure you understand. Demand for resources, wage determination, public finance, information asymmetries, and income inequality. He broke it all down for me with the answers. - Robin at UT Austin
My favorite part of lessons with Brahmanand is when we take a very complex problem then break it down into its basic parts. This makes it WAY easier to grasp. - Ian at PSU
Nsomu has been giving me lessons for about four months. He knows the subject and helps me identify targets for improvement. Which gives me more time with my friends. - Dalton at Wellesley
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How to Program a Computer
Programming homework help is pretty straightforward. With Java, the main thing that you need to know with programming is that we have variables with different objects based on those variables. You can then access functions to influence the variables. Just like the periodic table in chemistry (sort of), you will use the ASCII table as a reference to look up certain numbers that need written in the code. Finally, arrays represent the structures in place to group variables together. After you construct an array, you can put different objects in your variables to make families of groups.
Once you understand these data structures, your programming homework begins to get more interesting. With homework help like C, you have to do everything yourself. Get ready to use pointers and go old school with a programming language that was actually invented back in the 1970s. C represents the fundamental basis on how all coding languages work, so once you get it down, everything else will come into focus. By the way, if you would like a good book to read for how program in C, C Programming Language by Brian Kernighan will get you started.
Understand How Computers Can Even Be Programmed
In order to understand something like Assembly, you need to know what hexidecimal means. That means you will access 16 numbers instead of just 10. With Assembly programming homework, you may encounter preparation for calling the function. Assembly works at an even more basic level than C because functions will already be called there.
To get to an even more fundamental level of understanding, you can study how computers do addition and subtraction. Engineers figured out that they can make an adder circuit extremely efficient by using addition all the time. So A-B is the same as A+-B. To do this, the mathematicians decided to flip all the bits for any corresponding number and then add 1 at the end. This is called Two’s complement and you can read about it on Wikipedia if you would like.
The next level of depth concerns logic and the development of adders. An adder involves two “gates,” an “or” gate, and two “xor” gates. These gates can be implemented using transistors. This sums up how programming works.
If this does not make any sense and you need to find some programming help to explain what all of this means, the first step is to post a question for homework help. The process takes 30 seconds (seriously), and you won’t need to use any programming language to make the request.