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Top 5 Excel Tutors Online

272 Excel tutors available online

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All the tutors I’ve dealt with on StudyGate were extremely helpful and professional. I don’t write reviews often, but you should definitely give it a try!

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Maura helped me in all 3 subjects and did a fantastic job. She gave me more help in a few minutes than the other tutors I have tried taught me in 2 hours! - Jessica at KU

Thomas was constantly bending over backwards to accommodate my changing schedule. The response times were always “blazingly fast” like the site says, but more importantly he knows the subject extremely well. - Samuel at OSU

I had to write a character analysis of Atticus Finch from tkam. I wanted to pay someone to do it but found something better. George helped me make an outline. He showed me where to research. He gave some sources to get started. I got an 89! - Brian at Northwestern

I met with Matthew probably 20 times to get ready for my finals. I recovered from surgery for the first 6 weeks of class and needed to catch up quickly. Matthew was flexible with scheduling and knew the subject very well. - Morgan at ASU

The first meeting with Ruth went great. She was VERY of understanding of my not having a solid foundation in math and we dove into the basics together. - Angel at UF

I finally was able to break down this chapter with Gabriel in a way I could understand. He could move fast or slow whenever I needed, which helped a lot. He was efficient too, which saved me a lot of money. - Conor at USC

If you are anything like me it is fastest to just guess the answer and see what comes up wrong and then have someone explain it so you understand. Neha does all that and more. - Mia at Vanderbilt

Le Z is super patient to make sure you understand. Demand for resources, wage determination, public finance, information asymmetries, and income inequality. He broke it all down for me with the answers. - Robin at UT Austin

StudyGate helped me with so many assignments. I highly recommend it! - Robin at WSU

My favorite part of lessons with Brahmanand is when we take a very complex problem then break it down into its basic parts. This makes it WAY easier to grasp. - Ian at PSU

Nsomu has been giving me lessons for about four months. He knows the subject and helps me identify targets for improvement. Which gives me more time with my friends. - Dalton at Wellesley

Vishal is a rare teacher who can entertain and engage me while actually teaching me. He is creative and listens to me as well as polite. Truly a pleasure to work with! - Katelyn at Texas A&M

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If Only Excel were as Easy as Siri

Everyone wants that Excel capability that works based on voice recognition. The problem is simple. That kind of Excel help doesn’t exist. Why couldn’t they make it as easy as a Siri command? We will leave that answer to the Microsoft developers. Until Excel becomes as easy as talking to a genie in a bottle, you can get help for using this program here. Consider the tutors on this platform as masters of all the formula bars and functions offered within the program. You can view available Excel experts ready to help with your project, then select the one who works best for your needs.
If you combine one Excel genius with one student, the result is pretty consistent. Work gets done. Questions get answered. Projects get delivered. Get answers with someone who understands your needs can make a difference between finding that perfect assistant and drowning in a sea of tutorial articles and YouTube videos. Unfortunately, finding that perfect Excel tutor to help isn’t always as easy as it should be.

Two Big Things for Getting the Right Excel Tutor

To find the perfect expert for your project, you need two things. First, it is important to have a clear idea of what you want help with. Do you want to master steps 1 and 3 only or steps 1-5? Say it so there could be no doubt. This allows tutors to make clear offers and ultimately help you faster. The second factor is to share clearly what level of Excel help you want. Is this a report for the beginning of the semester, or is this something that should impress your thesis advisor? Either way, the more specific you can be about your expectations the easier it will be to find a good match to help you.
Here are some of the most common errors we see students fighting against: #VALUE happens when Excel finds spaces instead of the number it is expecting. #NAME appears when you misspell =SUM and put something incorrect like =SOM. The #REF error code appears if you refer to a cell that doesn’t exist. #NULL can be found if you don’t use a semi colon, comma, or space to identify a range of cells. #N/A will display in the event that you write something that relates to VLOOKUP, but it can’t be found by the program. You can expect a #NUM error in the event that you create a formula referencing cells with currency signs in them and then try to calculate them as strict numbers. Better to write the cells as plain numbers first, then format them all together as a currency like $ or €.

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