Posted By StudyGate
The Many Reasons Why Online Tutoring Is Definitely For You

Tutoring has really come a long way!

If you needed a tutor back in the day, you’d have to post an advertisement (a paper one!) on a bulletin board at your school or a local college and wait for a phone call. You would speak to a few candidates and find out their availability and qualifications. You’d also find out how much they charged per hour…

After you fainted, you’d get yourself together and travel all the way to the library or learning center for your first meeting, then travel all the way back home to finish all your other homework and hopefully get to bed at a reasonable hour. What a hassle!

But good news, everyone! Online tutoring is a thing of the future, and the future is NOW.

It’s a fantastic alternative that saves time, money, and energy. Still unsure about it? Here are a few reasons why online tutoring is a great investment that will do wonders for your academic career.

Imagine the ability to have an:

How much of a difference would that make in mastering your learning curve?

It’s Much More Affordable!

Cost is the biggest thing people consider when looking for a tutor. It’s also the main reason why many people decide NOT to get a tutor. Some can charge $100 or more per hour for each session! The average student doesn’t have this kind of money, and although many parents are willing to pay whatever it takes to find help, you don’t have to make that choice anymore.

You have options!

Nowadays, online tutoring costs much less than that. For example, StudyGate tutoring rates start at just $10 per hour for homework questions, and in a live tutoring session, you only pay for every minute you use . Tutors can set their own prices, and they’re nowhere near that expensive. Lower rates take the pressure off, so you can focus on quality!



Save Time!

Travel time is also a major factor in whether to get a tutor. You’re a busy student: If you got a tutor, you’d have to find time after school in between all your other activities, drive to your tutoring session, and still find time to return home, finish your homework, have dinner, and go to bed. One of the benefits of online tutoring comes from all the travel time you’ll save! You and your tutor simply agree on a regular meeting time, then you can get help without going anywhere at all. Spend less time traveling from Point A to Point B and more time calculating the distance between them!


You’ve Got Gadgets And Gizmos Aplenty!

Let’s face it, tutoring has always been a little…clunky. Your tutor would show up with a couple of messy notepads and old textbooks, maybe a whiteboard if they wanted to be fancy, or maybe nothing at all. With online tutoring, you can have access to so much more! You can video chat with your tutor, and a StudyGate live session offers a virtual whiteboard that you and your tutor can write on together. This means less watching, more doing, and a lot more value for your money. Test it out for yourself!


It’s Portable!

Tutors can get very busy, and it’s always been hard to fit in with their schedules. Online tutoring allows you to decide when to meet your tutor, and the location doesn’t matter! Have a quick live session in the library after class if you want to get a good grasp of the material. Maybe meet with a tutor in the morning or on weekends if your school schedule keeps you on the go. Have an urgent question? Post it on our system as a homework emergency and take care of other things while your tutor finds the right answer for you. The possibilities are limitless, and the power is YOURS!


If you’ve ever had any hesitation about online tutoring, you shouldn’t. It takes all of the pain and uncertainty out of the tutoring experience, gives you more options, and leaves more time for you to get things done. Trust us, you’ll see a huge difference in no time! When you decide to give online tutoring a try, look no further than! Our service is 24/7 and we’ve got plenty of world-class tutors ready to help you!