Finding a reliable and trustworthy homework help website is not always easy.
But by the time you finish reading this article, my goal is for you to have some valid homework help options in place.
I’ve put together a list of homework help websites that are free to access and easy to use.
There’s just one thing.
None of them involve interacting with people.
Now don’t get me wrong!
Passively interacting with a website can be helpful, and these homework help websites are LEGIT.
I’m taking a pretty liberal approach to this term homework help.
Contract cheating companies offer homework help and so does the Khan Academy, but these are vastly different approaches to your homework.
Of course, any type of homework help will succeed to a limited extent.
However, sometimes it is easier to start a chat with someone when you really want to learn something.
Or maybe you just want answers. In which case it would be fastest to click the button below.
The content you will find below is organized in two ways.
First, you can also view the resources organized by a little secret of Internet marketers called a DA (domain authority) score.
Every website gets a DA score from 0-100. Twitter is 100. A freshly minted blog will be somewhere between 0-5.
Think of it like a digital popularity contest where bots get to decide who wins.
The number depends on a website’s ability to offer valuable targeted content to its users.
This will help you judge the TRUE value of the website you’re considering and not just the hype.
Second, I take into account the kind of homework help resource offered. For example, is this homework help website intended for learning, giving answers, or offering resources?
This question really matters since all of the websites below give homework help.
Let’s get off to the organized list.
Homework Help Websites for Learning
YouTube | DA: 100
YouTube gets tremendous gamer and entertainment traffic, but it turns out that YouTube has some practical learning applications too.
Because of the amazing and entertaining education channels. Chemistry with Melissa Maribel, Patrick JMT, and Physics Girl are but a few of the world class online educators.
The keyword emphasis there is “entertaining.” Their job is to entertain you first, and if they educate you too that’s great.
If you want to learn on YT, it will be way more efficient to search for specific terms than browse by channel.
Wikihow | DA: 92
Wikihow is in-depth and step-by-step, but don’t expect all of the questions to be educational.
Sure, you can get help solving quadratic equations. And you can also get help with how to kiss in a car.
Either way, Wikihow will give you graphically designed no-BS straight to the point answers.
Green check marks on the article mean the answer has been reviewed by an expert with a doctorate, and the most of the content gets edited by at least 23 people.
Khan Academy | DA: 91
Everyone knows about the Khan Academy.
What some people don’t know is that they have an app for 2-5 year olds.
If you’re a gamer, KA works great as it measures energy points and lets you earn badges.
Besides their fame for math and science, KA also has art videos of professors discussing famous paintings at museums.
KA enjoys a second to none reputation in expanding a world education to everyone for free.
But you won’t get answers from them.
Codecademy | DA: 87
If you want to learn coding for free, you can use the entire Codecademy site for 7 days.
After that, the site will force you to convert into a paid user.
You’ve been warned!
Languages to learn include HTML & CSS, Python, JavaScript, Java, SQL, Bash/Shell, Ruby, and C++. You’ll find world-class content here.
Sparknotes | DA: 81
If you haven’t heard of Sparknotes, you just discovered the most powerfully useful English Literature resource on the Internet.
They serve way too many ads, but they know their stuff and deliver detailed content about popular literature works.
Their fantastic No Fear Shakespeare resource places the original 16th-17th century text alongside modern translations.
That makes it a whole lot easier to understand.
Duolingo | DA: 81
Duolingo offers free AI-based learning for complimenting your language studies in class.
Don’t expect it to singlehandedly supplement your classwork in the given language since it can’t be customized to fit in specific vocab words.
But you CAN focus specific language areas like phrases, plurals, and vocabulary areas (food, home, etc.).
I haven’t found a way to focus on specific parts of grammar.
Instead, it will measure your competency and then put you through its program based on how you test.
Ableton Learning Music | DA: 69
The beauty of Ableton comes its extremely interactive interface.
You can click everything. This website is a free candy store for making sound.
Best of all, you immediately hear the music. This way there is no chance that the concept will get lost in abstract terminology.
It’s also easy to click through the site without understanding what is happening.
Be prepared to play with this site to help master something specific like chord inversions and you will do well.
Anki | DA: 55
Anki works as a series of flashcards to help you memorize the topics that you are trying to learn.
You can make your own flashcards.
There are also free flashcards, and this option works best for foreign language and science (especially pre-med) students.
The app costs $25, but you can use it for free on your laptop.
Honestly, I bought the app and I don’t think it is worth it since I never study on my phone.
Homework Help Website Answers
Reddit | DA: 98
The r/HomeworkHelp subreddit serves lots of answers.
The mods specifically ban “do this for me” posts, but I still see many direct questions.
This is definitely worth a shot if you have something basic and straightforward to offer.
Quora | DA: 92
The following pages have strong followings on Quora and are listed in order of popularity:
- Mathematics Homework Questions
- Homework Questions
- Chemistry Homework Questions
Quorans tend to be a little snarky about giving away answers, but there are people there who want to help.
Even better than Reddit, you can check their account to see their background.
Like YouTube, I would recommend to search by your question.
The search algorithm is tougher to use than YT, but with some key word alterations you should be able to find what you’re looking for.
Wolfram Alpha | DA: 86
Stuck on an equation? Wolfram Alpha covers math as well as science and technology, society and culture, and everyday life.
Think Wikipedia for Math and you get how this site works.
The designers of Wolfram Alpha do a terrific job. The site offers facts, numbers, and dates in as few words as possible.
However, this is a paid service if you are looking for work shown.
Are you drowning in homework? You can also get an online math tutor now on StudyGate!
Homework Help Website Resources
Google Scholar | DA: 91
Google scholar helps you find the articles that you want later on in their full form (see Sci-hub).
I highly recommend showing results based on date of publication and sorting by relevance.
Many teachers don’t like sources that are older than five years.
Once you find what you want, make sure to copy+paste that DOI somewhere.
Grammarly | DA: 77
Grammarly will edit your paper for the following:
- Spelling
- Grammar
- Punctuation
- Conciseness
- Formality
- Sentence Variety
It will even tell you if you plagiarized portions of the paper.
However, the plagiarism checker is not as accurate as Turnitin since it does not check other papers and journal articles.
The editing, however, works at a high quality level.
Sci-Hub | DA: 55
Sci-hub is a Russian website that lets you download academic papers for free.
It’s also controversial because it mass distributes paid content.
So will you get in trouble for using this? In the USA, the copyright owner can sue (typically for money damages or injunctive relief) an infringer.
The criminal laws are aimed at the reproducer and/or distributor, however.
Also, according to Pablo Markin at Open Science, publishing company Elsevier got blocked in Sweden after it legally required internet service providers to make Sci-Hub locally inaccessible.
Why use Sci-hub in the first place? Speed and fairness.
If you have the DOI of an article, you can usually find it 10x faster on Sci-hub than you can on any online database.
If you consider that professors do not make any money off of the articles they publish anyway, using Sci-hub makes a lot of sense.
LibGen | DA: 55
Much of the above commentary on Sci-hub applies here.
Both websites originate in Russia.
Both offer users copyrighted content and mass distribute it.
In this case, the content consists of books, not articles. You’ll want the ISBN number ideally, but you can always use the title to find an alternate edition.
Besides saving money on your textbooks, Libgen contains access to millions of books you can get in PDF and EPUB formats.
Symbolab | DA: 49
This is a free graphing calculator if you don’t have yours or don’t own one.
It is also offered as an app for Android and iOS, which provides an additional layer of convenience.
They even give you a Cheat Sheet of formulas in Algebra, Trigonometry, Limits, Derivatives, and Integrals.
You can download it in PDF form: get the cheat sheet 🙌
MMSPhysChem Stoichiometry Calculator | DA: 28
This is the simplest site on the list, but that might make it one of the most directly useful too.
Look no further if you want help on stoichiometry calculations.
Redox reactions, limiting reactant problems, and chemical equations containing hydrates can not be solved using this system at this time. Also you can get a basic overview of endothermic and exothermic reactions here.
So that’s it for my free options.
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